Kristian Silva, ‘Bipartisan support critical for Brisbane Olympic bid’, Brisbane Times, February 27 2015.
Max Presnell, ‘Racing NSW stewards' kid-glove approach with wayward colt hits punters for six,’ Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 2014.
Max Presnell, ‘Pony track fringe dwellers had to be quick on their toes’, Sun Herald, May 27 2012.
‘Horse racing weight scandals: The Grafter Kingsley Affair’, ABC Local Radio 702 2BL, Drive with Richard Glover, 13 May 2010.
‘Female racegoers fill the vacuum’, Parra-Mattas, 17 November 2009.
On Handicapping and the Melbourne Cup’, ABC Local Radio 702 2BL, Afternoons with Richard O’Loughlin, 3 November 2009.
Max Presnell, ‘Harry shone back when ponies were almost main event’, (Sydney Morning Herald Racing Supplement), 7 December 2007.
The effects of the Equine Influenza Epidemic on Country Racing in Queensland, ABC Regional Radio Queensland, September 2007.
On Starting Price Bookmaking, ABC Radio Program Overnights, local radio heard across Australia 30 May 2007.
Max Presnell, ‘How the Pint has replaced the Punt at Today’s Racing’ (Sydney Morning Herald Racing Supplement), 4 February, 2005, p. 15;
Stuart Rintoul, ‘Melbourne’s Cup Runneth Over’, (Weekend Australian, 29 October 2005, p. 21), etc.
Journal article: 'What are the greatest upsets in NRL grand final history?',The Conversation, 3 October 2024.
Journal article: 'Winx smashed racing records. A new documentary tells her story on and off the track', The Conversation, 5 September 2024.
Journal article: 'Anyone for obstacle course swimming? How some of the more unusual Olympic Games sports came to be', The Conversation, 11 July 2024.
Book: Sydney Racing in the 1970s: an Illustrated Companion Volume I, Ascot Press, Sydney, 2023.
Journal Article: Albert John (Bert) Lillye, Australian Dictionary of Biography (online), published 14 December 2020.
Journal article: 'Rosehill: Racing's Oasis of the West', The Races (Australian Turf Club Members' Magazine). February 2018.
Journal article: 'A Love Letter to the Slipper', The Races (Australian Turf Club Members' Magazine). February 2018.
Article: 'The race that stops the nation also holds many weird and wonderful stories', The Conversation, 1 November 2016.
Book chapters: 'Harry Calls a Winner', 'A Short History of Pony Racing', and '"Baron" Bob Skelton, in Jim Haynes (ed.) Big Book of Australian Racing Stories, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2015.
Article: 'Michelle Payne defies horse racing's long history as a sport of blokes', The Conversation 6 November 2015.
Book: Wandrin' Star: Wild Jack Peake of Peakhurst, Ascot Press, Sydney, 2015.
Article: 'Horse trainer Bart Cummings reaches the finishing post for the last time', The Conversation, 1 September 2015.
Article: 'The greatest ever, or will Ascot be a Lap too Phar for Black Caviar?', The Conversation, 22 June 2012.
Book Chapter: 'Sydney or the Bush': adaptation, centrality and periphery in Australian horseracing, in Rebecca Cassidy (ed), Cambridge Companion to Horseracing, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2013.
Book: The Gambler’s Ghost and Other Racing Oddities, Ascot Press, Sydney, 2012.
Book Chapter: ‘George Ryder’, in Australian Dictionary of Biography Vol 18, Australian National University Press, Canberra 2012.
Journal Article: 'History of pony racing on early Sydney tracks part 2, Bluebloods, March 2009, pp 30-32.
Journal Article: 'History of pony racing on early Sydney tracks part 1, Bluebloods, February 2009, pp 37-38.
Book Chapter: ‘Taking the heat out of the "Red Hots": the Americanization of harness racing in Australia?’ Australian Society for Sports History Studies no. 23, A Global Racecourse: work, culture and horse sports, September 2008.
Book: Sydney's Pony Racecourses: An Alternative Racing History, Sydney: Walla Walla Press 2006.
Edited book (with Professor Stephanie Lawson) Globalization and Regionalization: Views from the Pacific Rim, the fourth volume in the series ‘Pacific Rim: Globalization, Regionalization, and Domestic Trajectories’ (2006).
Journal article: ‘Taking the heat out of the "Red Hots": has the Americanization of harness racing in Australia been a shot in the arm-or the hoof?’ Harness Racing International, March/April 2006 Melbourne, Ellikon.
Edited book (with Dr Kate Barclay), Convergences and Exclusions: Regional Integration and Social Change around the Pacific Rim, the second volume in the series ‘Pacific Rim: Globalization, Regionalization, and Domestic Trajectories’ (2005).
Journal article: ‘The significance of proprietary pony racing in the social history of Sydney horse racing’, Sporting Traditions (Journal of the Australian Society for Sports History), May 2004.
Book chapters: ‘Bidding for the Games’ and ‘Torch Relay’ in The Official Report of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, (credits)(2000).
Journal Article: 'Rosebery, where the Baron Ruled the Turf, Australasian Turf Monthly, July 1995.
Journal article: 'Victoria Park; the Randwick of the Ponies', Australasian Turf Monthly, February 1995.
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